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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Financial Burden Model Experienced by Parents of Paediatric Cancer Patients in Malaysia

Nur Shuhana Mohd Sansuddin, Nurul Hasyimah Mat Rani

Open access

Parents particularly those who are low-income or single, are significantly impacted by the financial burden of cancer-related expenditures. The financial challenges associated with having a child with cancer may place a significant burden on parents (Santacroce et al., 2018). This research focused on the financial conditions of parents in Malaysia who had cancer. The use of Design and Developmental Research (DDR), as described by Richey and Klein in 2007, was implemented. This approach comprises the requirements assessment, development and execution, and usability evaluation stages. Purposive sampling is a method used to choose respondents based on certain features or attributes relevant to the inquiry. The participants consisted of parents whose children were afflicted with cancer. This research included a limited sample size of just nine parents. Each participant had a semi-structured interview, and the research was analyzed using Litchman's (2006) 3Cs analytical framework, which consists of Codes, Categories, and Concepts.The results of this study indicate that the elements depicting the financial situation of parents of cancer patients include fulfill the child's needs while in the hospital, monthly income being affected due to managing and caring for a sick child, making financial plans after quitting a job or taking unpaid leave, savings are impacted, family members helping financially, financial aid and support from external parties, and selling assets to cover insufficient finances.

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