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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Navigating Challenges and Charting Solutions: Implementing Environmental Taxation in Developing Countries for Sustainable Future

Norhidayah Binti Abdullah, Ida Suriya Binti Ismail, Ilham Hajidah Binti Che Mahamad Azmi, Nuridayu Binti Yunus, Saifulrizan Bin Norizan

Open access

The increasing environmental challenges that the world is facing today, including climate change, biodiversity loss, pollution, and resource depletion, have prompted a paradigm shift in policy discussions toward sustainability. Implementing taxes on activities that negatively impact the environment is seen as a strategic approach to internalize the true costs of resource use and pollution. This paper aims to identify the challenges and proposes strategies for effectively implementing environmental taxation in developing countries. This paper identifies the key obstacles to implementing environmental taxation as a lack of trust in government, limited public awareness, and support and resistance from industries. The paper suggests that transparency, stakeholder engagement, public awareness campaigns, and earmarking of tax revenues for environmental initiatives are essential for overcoming these challenges. Besides, the paper also underscored the importance of a collaborative approach involving all stakeholders to ensure the successful implementation of environmental taxation in developing countries.

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(Ismail et al., 2024)
Ismail, I. S. B., Azmi, I. H. B. C. M., Yunus, N. B., Norizan, S. Bin, & Abdullah, N. B. (2024). Navigating Challenges and Charting Solutions: Implementing Environmental Taxation in Developing Countries for Sustainable Future. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(8), 1426–1433.