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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Open access

The issue of early retirement among teachers has gained significant attention, particularly with the National Union of Teaching Services (NUTP) reporting an increasing trend, especially among educators aged between 56 and 58. The persistence and escalation of this trend raise concerns about its implications. This study endeavours to discern the factors influencing the early retirement decisions of teachers. Employing a qualitative interview method, we interviewed four teachers from diverse school backgrounds: two from National Schools, one from a Chinese National School (SJK), and one from a Tamil National School (SJK) in the Gemencheh zone, Negeri Sembilan. The focus is on collecting and analysing data through these interviews to address the research objectives. The insights gained from this study aim to shed light on the underlying factors contributing to the early retirement phenomenon among teachers.

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