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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Comparison between Competitive and Non Competitive Runners on Purchasing Style of Running Shoes

Muhammad Hussein Shirazie Bin Yusoff, Wan Ahmad Munsif Wan Pa

Open access

This study explores the purchasing behaviors of competitive and non-competitive runners concerning running shoes using the Purchaser Style Inventory for Sport Products (PSISP-II). The research compares nine key factors: quality, brand, fashion, recreation, price, impulse, confusion, habit, and endorsement. Data were collected from 198 respondents, analyzed using descriptive statistics, and tested with the Mann-Whitney U test to identify significant differences between the two groups. The findings revealed that competitive runners prioritize quality and endorsements significantly more than non-competitive runners, aligning with previous literature on the importance of performance and athlete influence. Other factors such as brand, fashion, recreation, price, impulse, confusion, and habit showed no significant differences between the groups. Integrating consumer behavior models like the Engel Kollat Blackwell (EKB) Model, Black Box Model, and Hawkins Stern Impulse Buying Model provided a comprehensive understanding of these behaviors. The study's insights can aid marketers in tailoring strategies to meet the specific needs of competitive and non-competitive runners, emphasizing quality and endorsements for the former and a balanced approach for the latter.

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(Yusoff & Pa, 2024)
Yusoff, M. H. S. Bin, & Pa, W. A. M. B. W. (2024). Comparison between Competitive and Non Competitive Runners on Purchasing Style of Running Shoes. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(8), 2740–2756.