ISSN: 2222-6990
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The digital economy has been identified as a key economic growth area (KEGA) in achieving WKB 2030, which aims to make Malaysia a sustainably developing country with equitable wealth distribution and inclusive and equal growth. Digitization is increasingly driving global economic growth. Customers' preferences have shifted in favor of a quick and convenient experience, thanks to the internet and mobile phones. The COVID-19 pandemic emphasizes the importance of the digital economy in ensuring economic continuity. As a result, AgroBazaar is an online marketplace for buying and selling agricultural products Therefore, this study investigates the service quality factors influencing user satisfaction with AgroBazaar, an online marketplace for agricultural products in Malaysia. Given the digital economy's role in Malaysia's economic growth and the increased importance of online platforms during the COVID-19 pandemic, understanding these factors is crucial. To achieve peak performance, online businesses must concentrate on their industry and provide consistently high-quality service to ensure customer satisfaction. Thus, this study assesses the level of system quality, service quality, information quality, price, trust, and user satisfaction with online agrobazaar, which will be used to build and improve system user satisfaction, as well as contribute to the economy, national income, and the individual. The study assesses system quality, service quality, information quality, price, and trust, using data collected from 192 AgroBazaar customers across Malaysia. The findings reveal that all these components significantly impact user satisfaction, highlighting the platform's potential to enhance user experience and contribute to economic development.
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