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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Extended Theory of Planned Behavior with Push-Pull Factors: A Conceptual Framework on Housewives Entrepreneurial Intention

Hemavathi Gunasegaran, Gazi Md Nurul Islam, Nurul Hidayah Mohd Yusof, Kartina Abu Bakar

Open access

This paper presents a conceptual framework for understanding housewives' entrepreneurial intentions by extending the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) with push-pull factors. By integrating the TPB with the push-pull theory, the study explores how various factors such as entrepreneurial passion, social support, technological competence, economic necessity, and opportunity recognition influence housewives' intentions to engage in entrepreneurship in Malaysia. The framework posits that entrepreneurial passion and technological competence act as internal motivators, while economic necessity and opportunity recognition serve as external pressures that either push housewives into entrepreneurship out of necessity or pull them towards it by recognizing viable business opportunities. The primary aim of the development of the conceptual framework in this study is to be used as a guideline to conduct the experimental research on housewives entrepreneurial intention in Malaysia. The proposed model contributes significantly to the literature by providing a nuanced understanding of the entrepreneurial dynamics specific to housewives, offering practical insights for policymakers, support organizations, and educators aiming to foster economic empowerment and gender inclusivity in entrepreneurship.

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