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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Development, Validity and Reliability of Parenting Love Therapy (PLT) Module among Malaysian Parents

Mohammad Aziz Shah Mohamed Arip, Nur Amanina Muhammad Tamizi

Open access

This study aimed to develop and test the validity and reliability of the Parenting Love Therapy (PLT) module among Malaysian parents. The PLT module is developed by Mohammad Aziz Shah (2024) based on a comprehensive literature review on parenting, parenting styles, and parenting skills, alongside the Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Healing (CBT-H) and Mindfulness Love Therapy (MLT) approach. CBT-H is a mental health well-being approach developed by Mohammad Aziz Shah (2018) based on Aaron Beck’s Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) theory. Meanwhile, MLT is a love therapy based on feeling God's love, loving yourself and others approach developed by Mohammad Aziz Shah (2018) based on. This research is a quantitative design, measuring the validity and the reliability of the PLT module. A group of panel expert (N = 15) answered a) the content validity questionnaire according to Russell’s criteria and b) the content appropriateness questionnaire according to Mohammad Aziz Shah’s criteria. The reliability value was then obtained from 40 respondents who attended the PLT workshop and answered the reliability questionnaire provided. By calculations, the result showed an overall percentage of 83.3% for the PLT module content validity based on Russell’s criteria and 90.5% for content appropriateness according to Mohammad Aziz Shah’s criteria. The Cronbach’s Alpha for the PLT module was .83, which is relatively high. Thus, the findings indicated that the PLT module has high validity and reliability index among Malaysian parents. This study proved that the PLT module can be use as an alternative to guide parents with skills and techniques in building a healthy, loving family relationship.

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(Arip & Tamizi, 2024)
Arip, M. A. S. M., & Tamizi, N. A. M. (2024). Development, Validity and Reliability of Parenting Love Therapy (PLT) Module among Malaysian Parents. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(8), 2910–2923.