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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Relationship between Credibility Factors and Perceived Facebook Credibility among Facebook Users

Muhammad Hakimi Tew Abdullah, Farah Adibah Mohamad Yusuf, Norwati Roslim, Muhamad Hanapi Khamis, Muhammad Nabihan Abu Bakar

Open access

Information technology is advancing quickly, enabling consumers to access information through intermediary platforms like Facebook. Social media has emerged as a powerful source for today's youth to access current news. The dissemination of information through Facebook has had an impact on message credibility. Hence, this study aimed to examine the level of credibility factors and their relationship with perceived Facebook credibility among Facebook users at a public university in central Malaysia. An online survey was conducted with responses from 375 participants. This study was conducted quantitatively, and the data were analysed descriptively and inferentially using SPSS. Findings showed that the majority of respondents perceived Facebook credibility at a low level, with a mean score of 2.3. The level of credibility factors among Facebook users of a public university in central Malaysia was determined to be moderate at a mean score of 3.03. Results showed that there was a significant relationship between credibility factors and perceived Facebook credibility at the 0.5 level of significance. Four credibility factors, consisting of interactive media, technology acceptance, quality of news sources, and exposure to the media, had a significant relationship with perceived Facebook credibility. Thus, it can be concluded that credibility factors have a significant positive relationship with perceived Facebook credibility

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(Abdullah et al., 2024)
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