ISSN: 2222-6990
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It is widely recognized that vocabulary proficiency is essential for language acquisition and comprehension. English Language Learners (ELLs) may encounter difficulties in processing various texts, particularly academic texts, if they possess only a minimal level of vocabulary proficiency. The specialized academic vocabulary used in these texts can impede students' ability to engage effectively with the material. This study aims to investigate the level of academic vocabulary knowledge among Malaysian ESL undergraduates as well as to identify if there is any difference between the level of academic vocabulary knowledge and language proficiency. The total items tested in the instruments were 140 academic vocabularies adopted from two main vocabulary lists; Academic Word List (AWL) and Academic Vocabulary List (AVL). The 66 participants had sat for their Malaysian University English Test (MUET) prior their tertiary academic entry and were taking English academic writing as part of their courses. The result revealed the academic vocabulary knowledge of the participants remains inadequate and there is a different between different language proficiency and level of academic vocabulary knowledge. It is recommended for future studies to identify other variables such as instructional methods, pre and post exposure to academic vocabulary.
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