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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Developing a Model of Motivational Determinants for Gig Economy Workers’ Successful Financial Well-Being: A Review of Research Framework

Nur Nastasya Athira Mohd Nasir, Norlia Mat Norwani, Zuriadah Ismail, Rohaila Yusof , Nor Sa'adah Jamaluddin

Open access

Gig economy which refers to flexible jobs mediated by different online platforms is booming due to the ubiquitous use of smartphones and rising needs for on-demand services. The World Bank data stated that 26% of Malaysia's labour force (about four million) are self-employed with the majority in gig economy and the number is rising. Little is known about what motivate them to succeed financially. Thus, objectives of the research are to determine: self-determinations, motivation and financial wellbeing of gig workers based on demographic variables; relationships between the variables, and; relationships between the variables when moderated by motivation. The theoretical foundation of the research is self-determination theory (SDT) that posits that behavior is motivated by three psychological needs for competence, autonomy, and relatedness. Data collection from a minimum of 382 samples is an online survey. Exploratory factor analyses (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) will be utilized to test measurement model for each latent. Structural equation modelling (SEM) will test the hypothesized structural model. Qualitative data involving focus group of three respondents from each region will support and uncover determinants and other factors that the survey may have overlooked. The finding and model developed will contribute towards new knowledge in financial wellness among gig workers and assist in policy making especially by Ministry of Human Resource, Ministry of Education and Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia in providing the needed regulatory measures and trainings. It will support the Inclusive Development and Growth (IDG) portfolio of UNDP Malaysia in achieving the 11th Malaysia Plan and to prioritize strategies towards raising the income and wealth of B40 households which makes up the majority of gig workers.

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Nasir, N. N. A. M., Norwani, N. M., Ismail, Z., Yusof, R., & Jamaluddin, N. S. (2024). Developing a Model of Motivational Determinants for Gig Economy Workers’ Successful Financial Well-Being: A Review of Research Framework. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(9), 194–204.