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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Does Job Stress Affect How Well Employees Perform? Evidence from a Southern Malaysia’s Service-Based Company

Nor Raihanah Noordin, Shah Rollah Abdul Wahab, Roziana Shaari, Azlineer Sarip, Dongsu Yoo, Lily Suriani Mohd Arif

Open access

Nowadays, job stress has become a serious issue that arises in the organization. Job stress, commonly known as work-related stress or occupational stress, arises when individuals experience mental or emotional strain due to the demands and pressures they encounter in their professional settings. This study aims to determine the relationship between job stress and job performance. To achieve this objective, a study was conducted in one service-based company located at southern Malaysia with 100 respondents. The study employed a descriptive research design using the questionnaires as its instruments and utilized simple random sampling to obtain the sample. The instrument used to measure the job stress level was the Job Stress Index with 12 items whereas, for the job performance level, it was the Individual Work Performance Questionnaire with 18 items. The data collected was then analyzed by using descriptive and structural equation modelling. Findings from this study revealed a moderate level of job stress and a high level of job performance among customer service workers. Additionally, job stress is found to have a significant effect on job performance and findings also suggested that there is a significant relationship and negative moderate correlation between job stress and job performance. Nevertheless, additional deliberation and investigation are encouraged.

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