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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Understanding Student Incivility among Undergraduates and the Impact on Educators’ Subjective Wellbeing

Roshayati Abdul Hamid, Wan Yusreena Ilia Wan Azizee

Open access

Incidents of incivility have become a significant concern in higher education. Lately, university students have observed an increase in latecomers, students dozing off in class, excessive cellphone use, managing various life responsibilities simultaneously and lack of readiness for assignments during their academic classes. All the mentioned behaviors of students can be classified as instances of classroom incivility. Student incivility in the classroom is the disruptive behaviour that occurs in higher education learning environments at an alarming rate. While incivility may be considered a minor misbehavior, if not promptly and effectively addressed, it can have harmful impacts on both teaching and learning outcomes. Educators encounter a range of challenges when fulfilling their teaching duties, with increasing focus and concern placed on instances of student incivility. It is anticipated that the incivility of students will affect the subjective wellbeing of educators. As per the Stressor-Emotional Theory, student incivility can serve as a stressor, eliciting negative emotions and subsequently placing pressure on educators. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to examine the stress levels experienced by educators when managing student incivility and its repercussions on their wellbeing. The participants of this study comprise educators from various higher education institutions in Malaysia, conducting offline classes for undergraduate students. The collected data were analyzed using SmartPLS 4.0 software. Results indicated the consistent impact of incivility aligns with previous studies. The role of one's emotional state in triggering negative interpretations of social interactions is highlighted as a significant contribution with practical implications. The importance of this study lies in its potential to inform institutional policies and interventions aimed at fostering a more respectful and supportive academic environment. Future research should investigate the long-term effects of incivility on educators' careers, the role of institutional support in mitigating these effects, and the perspectives of students on incivility to develop comprehensive solutions that benefit both educators and learners.

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