ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Previous researchers have paid significant attention to the effect of the safety climate on individual safety behaviors. However, the findings are still indecisive and inconclusive. Drawing upon the Theory of Planned Behavior, this study specifically investigated the relationship between safety climate (management commitment, supervisor’s and workmate’s role, risk taking behavior and worker’s involvement) and their safety behavior. This study adapted the instruments constructed by previous researchers to measure all variables. Prior to actual study, a pilot study was conducted in order to assess the reliability and appropriateness of the measurement used. This research used the probability sampling technique that is simple random sampling. Out of 155 questionnaires that have been distributed to the maintenance and engineering workers in Company Y of Malaysia’s power supply industry, only 100 have been completed and valid for this study. The data gathered was analyzed by using SPSS Version 23. The results were basically in the form of reliability, frequency and multiple regressions. The research findings showed a positive association between management commitment, supervisor’s and workmate’s role, worker’s involvement as well as risk taking behavior on the individual's safety behavior. The findings also showed that management commitment tends to be the significant predictor towards the individual's safety behavior. Theoretical discussion, practical managerial implications and direction for future research were also being discussed.
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