ISSN: 2222-6990
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This concept paper proposes a study on the mediating role of consumer trust in the relationship between online reviews and impulse buying among Generation Z (Gen Z) users on Shopee, a leading e-commerce platform in Malaysia. Using the Stimulus-Organism-Response (S-O-R) theoretical framework, the study will explore how online reviews affect consumer trust and impulse buying behaviours within this demographic. The focus will be on how consumer trust mediates the impact of online reviews on impulse buying. The rapid growth of e-commerce has made online reviews a key factor in shaping consumer behaviour. For Gen Z—tech-savvy individuals who heavily rely on digital platforms—these reviews significantly influence their purchasing decisions. Shopee is a major player in Malaysia's e-commerce market, making it an ideal context for this study. The research aims to develop a deeper understanding of the interaction between online reviews, consumer trust, and impulse buying. By examining how consumer trust mediates this relationship, the study will offer both theoretical and practical insights. Theoretically, it will enhance understanding of the dynamics between online reviews and consumer trust. Practically, it will provide actionable recommendations for Shopee and similar platforms to optimize strategies for leveraging online reviews to build trust and drive impulse purchases among Gen Z consumers. The findings are expected to contribute valuable insights into trust dynamics in online environments and improve e-commerce strategies.
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