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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Study on the Influencing Factors of Behavioral Intention for Express Packaging Recycling in the Context of Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Chinese Universities

Zhong Qian, Yin Liping, Xie Pingxiang, Zhu Zehao

Open access

In the context of global sustainable development, express packaging recycling plays an important role in the sustainable development of society and the environment. This article conducted a questionnaire survey on 605 undergraduate students from 45 universities located in Jiangxi Province. Additionally, quantitative research was carried out with the assistance of SPSS and AMOS to investigate the factors that influence the willingness of college students to engage in express packaging recycling behavior. According to the findings, students' perceived behavioral control, the convenience of express packaging stations, and the perceived benefits all had small and significant positive effects on the intention of express packaging recycling. Policy promotion had significant positive and medium effect size on packaging recycling intention. In total, the four variables contributed 65% of variance on undergraduate students' willingness to participate in express packaging recycling. In light of this, the article proposes that future studies should investigate other factors that may influence students’ willingness to participate in express packaging recycling. Moreover, it is also suggested that establishing the willingness of students to participate in packaging recycling can be increased through the promotion of policy propaganda and the establishment of convenient express packaging recycling stations, the simplification of the process of express packaging recycling, and the provision of certain incentives. This will ultimately achieve the recycling of express packaging and promoting the sustainable development of society.

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Qian, Z., Liping, Y., Pingxiang, X., & Zehao, Z. (2024). Study on the Influencing Factors of Behavioral Intention for Express Packaging Recycling in the Context of Sustainable Development: A Case Study of Chinese Universities. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(9), 1738–1755.