ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
As research and pedagogical theories continue to evolve, educators are provided with a diverse array of teaching methods to select from. The preference of educators for specific teaching methodologies significantly influences students' learning experiences. Thus, conducting an inquiry into educators' preferences regarding teaching methods is essential, as the outcome obtained will benefit both students and educators alike, particularly in aligning educators' preferences with student learning needs and preferences. This research investigates the perceptions of educators regarding various teaching methods employed in the classroom setting. The study utilizes a quantitative survey methodology involving 63 respondents currently engaged in teaching at a local university. The instrument utilized is a 5-point Likert-scale survey, adopted from the works of Thornton (2013) and Grasha (1994). Comprising four sections, this instrument encompasses: Demographic Profiles, Direct, Discuss, and Delegate teaching methods, respectively. The findings reveal that the Discuss method is the most favoured method followed by Direct and Delegate method respectively. The Discuss method being the main preference of these teachers reflects that they are more inclined towards applying a teacher-centred approach in their classrooms. These findings offer valuable insights into the preferences of instructors regarding teaching methodologies, contributing to the understanding of instructional practices within the academic setting.
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