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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Case Study on Fine Motor Skills Development in Early Childhood Education

Nik Evina Nik Roseli, Siti Farhana Binti Md. Yasin, Mohd Azim Bin Sharim, Kalaivani Vijayaragavan

Open access

This study explores the impact of educational strategies on the development of fine motor skills among preschoolers in Klang, Malaysia, focusing on the effectiveness of specific activities and pedagogical approaches. Using a qualitative research design, the study involves semi-structured interviews and classroom observations to gather insights into teacher-child interactions. The sample includes five- and six-year-old children and their teachers, selected through purposive sampling. Thematic analysis reveals that activities requiring precision and control, along with peer interactions and collaborative tasks, significantly enhance fine motor skills. The findings emphasize the importance of developmentally appropriate, engaging activities, individualized instruction, and creative learning modalities in supporting children's cognitive and physical development, ultimately preparing them for future academic success.

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Roseli, N. E. B. N., Yasin, S. F. B. M., Sharim, M. A. Bin, & Vijayaragavan, K. A. (2024). Case Study on Fine Motor Skills Development in Early Childhood Education. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(9), 1808–1822.