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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Social Media on BNPL Adoption in Malaysia

Tay Yu Jing, Shen Yi, Nik Herda Nik Abdullah, Chin Sok Fun, Amirah Fatini Johari, Kevin Voon Jan Sian, Kelvin Lee Yong Ming

Open access

Recently, Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) has emerged as one of the most appealing alternative payments methods. With its flexibility and convenience, BNPL has successfully gained popularity across the globe. This study aims to explore the factors influencing Malaysians’ intention to use BNPL. This study used the convenience sampling method to collect the data from 257 respondents using Google Forms. This study revealed that the perceived usefulness, social influence, perceived security, and informativeness of social media are positively related to the intention to use BNPL. BNPL providers are advised to increase their social influence and leverage the informativeness of social media platforms to boost awareness of BNPL services and educate the public about their benefits and responsible use. Meanwhile, the providers are recommended to improve the usefulness and security of BNPL for the enhancement of their services. The findings of this study can be served as a guideline and may be valuable to the government in developing the BNPL law and regulations to better protect users and providers.

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