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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Impact of Digital Transformation on Smart Government in United Arab Emirates: A Review

Norun Najjah Ahmat, Barqan Ahmed Abdulla Ibrahim, Suriati Akmal, Halimaton Hakimi

Open access

Purpose – The purpose of this review paper is to identify and explore the important parameters of digital transformation in smart government services in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). The research aims to understand the impact of digital transformation on the implementation and performance of smart government services, with a focus on improving service delivery and citizen satisfaction. It seeks to establish a guiding framework for understanding the key success factors and challenges related to digital transformation in the context of smart government. Design/method/approach – The paper follows critical thematic literature review based on which extensive literature on relevant themes were review and the interrelationship among them established, leading to proposing a conceptual framework.
Findings – The paper uncover the critical success factors for digital transformation in smart government services. Key findings include the impact of factors such as security-privacy, digitalization infrastructure, and digital skills of public employees, citizen-government engagement, digital awareness, and trustworthiness on the successful implementation and performance of smart government services in the UAE. The paper highlights the challenges and roadblocks faced during the digital transformation process. Practical Implications – The findings of this study will provide valuable insights to policymakers, government authorities, and stakeholders involved in digital transformation initiatives in the UAE. By understanding the significance parameters of digital transformation, decision-makers can formulate effective strategies for the successful implementation of smart government services. The results will contribute to improve service quality, citizen satisfaction, and overall efficiency in government operations. Originality/value – This research contributes to the existing literature by focusing on the specific context of the UAE's smart government services and the impact of digital transformation. The research paper originality lies in its comprehensive analysis of success factors and challenges, drawing from existing literature and real-world data. The study proposed guiding framework for digital transformation in smart government will serve as a valuable contribution to the field of digital governance, both in the UAE and globally.

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