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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Systematic Literature Review of Web-Based Learning and Digital Pedagogies in Grammar Education (2015-2024)

Nur Hidayah Md Yazid, Nur Ainil Sulaiman, Harwati Hashim

Open access

The scarcity of comprehensive reviews on digital pedagogies, especially web-based learning (WBL), in enhancing grammar proficiency among non-native English learners underlines the need for a systematic review to delineate the trends in WBL concerning English grammar education. From 2015 to 2024, employing a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria, 14 articles were extracted from a pool of 124 searches on three databases, which are Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), and the Educational Resources Information Centre (ERIC). Firstly, this systematic review found that WBL for grammar education emphasizes learning management systems or virtual learning environments. Secondly, most studies examining grammar through WBL were conducted within higher education, focusing on undergraduate students. Lastly, the focus of literature has primarily been on the influence of digital pedagogical tools on students' grammar performance, with less attention on the teaching methods of grammar instructors. This systematic literature review provides insights for educators in selecting and developing WBL platforms for grammar instruction, and pinpointing areas for further research, thereby enhancing educational practices.

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