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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Perceived Coach Motivational Climate and Moral Decision-Making: A Study among University Football Players

Nurul Sabrina Binti Mohd Zain, Mohamad Firdaus Bin Ahmad, Nur Syazwani Zulaikha Safwan

Open access

The paper aims to investigate the effect of perceived coach motivational climate on moral decision-making among Institutions of Higher Learning Football League Players. This paper discusses the types of motivational environments created by coaches in sports settings, particularly football competitions, and how these climates influence players' moral decision-making. This study proposed quantitative research that involves Institutions of Higher Learning Football League players as a respondent and implementing stratified sampling. Later, this study also proposes to analyse the data using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS 27.0) to test the hypothesis. According to the discussion, coaches are the most significant figures within a player's social context as coaches are seen as role models and authority figures, making them powerful agents in shaping players' attitudes, beliefs, and actions both on and off the field. The study is able to offer crucial insights that can serve as a guiding foundation for future research for developing an entirely new typology within the research domain. Overall, further research is needed to fully understand how specific coach motivational climate can influence player perceptions of moral decision-making and ethical behaviour.

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