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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Mediating Role of Proactive Personality in the Relationship between New Ways of Working (NWOW) and Work Engagement

Cheryl Dhewina Wong, Victoria Jonathan

Open access

Employees who are proactive have become increasingly important as organizations adopt New Ways of Working (NWOW). In dynamic environments, employees’ ability to anticipate and adapt to change is crucial for organisational success. Proactive employees not only respond effectively to new challenges but also drive innovation and continuous improvement. Their role is especially vital in settings where NWOW is implemented, as maintaining high levels of work engagement is essential for sustaining productivity and achieving organizational goals. This study investigates the role of proactive personality as a mediator in the relationship between NWOW and work engagement. Using a quantitative approach, data were collected through a cross-sectional survey of 158 employees from the real estate industry (REI) and the architecture, engineering, and construction (AEC) industry. The study’s findings reveal positive and significant relationships between NWOW and proactive personality with work engagement, emphasizing the importance of proactive behavior in these sectors. Additionally, the results show that proactive personality partially mediates this relationship, suggesting that employees inclined to take initiative are more likely to remain engaged in a NWOW environment. The study also suggests human resource development approaches that may be considered to enhance employee proactiveness and engagement.

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