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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Green Human Resource Management and Empowerment Potentials in Enhancing Employee Retention in the Hotel Industry

Adedayo Emmanuel Adeyefa, Abioye Adedipe, Ibidapo Nathaniel Adebayo, Z.A.B Haruna

Open access

This paper aimed to investigate employee retention rates in the hotel sector by evaluating the impact of green human resource practices––namely green self-efficacy (GSE), employee green relation (EGR), green performance appraisal (GPA)––on employee retention and employee empowerment (EE) as a mediator. A structured questionnaire involving 460 questions was administered to participants. The data was collected from operational level hotel employees with at least a year of working experience in a green-practicing hotel in Nigeria. SPSS23 was used to code the data, and PLS-SEM 3.0 was used to analyse it. GSE, EGR, and EE, except for GPA, have positive and significant effects on employee retention. GSE, EGR, and EE, except for GPA, have positive and significant effects on employee retention. In addition, with the exception of EGR, employee EE mediates the effects of all other aforementioned variables. This study makes a significant contribution by introducing GSE as a critical variable that can improve employee retention in the hotel industry.

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