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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Findings on Visitors' Wellbeing through Intervention Experiments: A Ten-Year Systematic Review

Zoe Jiabo Zhang, Mohd Hafizal Bin Ismail, Noor Jalilah Binti Jumaat, Zhu Zhu

Open access

Nowadays, shortly thereafter the pandemic, wellbeing is an area of concern that is being talked about frequently. It is also an extremely significant matter for everyone. New studies show that mental health is one part of wellbeing, which is a multidimensional idea that is important for overall health and wellbeing. Many research studies have shown that studying tourism in particular has the ability to greatly improve the phychological wellbieng and mental health of tourists. However, there are still not a lot of studies on how effective it is to improve the wellbeing of visitors through intervention measures in the tourism field. This study aims to report a comprehensive systematic review investigating the intervention measures to improve visitors’ wellbeing. A thorough search was conducted on PubMed, Web of Science, EBSCOhost and Scopus to select relevant literature. Intervention measures associated with visitors' wellbeing are the primary focus of the chosen literatures. Only studies that used an experimental design were selected. The wellbeing outcomes were assessed using a variety of instruments in the investigations. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and non-randomized controlled trials (nRCTs) are among the study designs that employ pre-test and post-test comparisons to assess changes in wellbeing. The majority of interventions were conducted for a brief period. The interventions consistently demonstrated positive effects on wellbeing in all of the investigations. The available research indicates that a range of activities have a substantial positive impact on the wellbeing of visitors. Even brief treatments have significant positive impacts on emotional and psychological states, indicating the potential of such activities to enhance general wellbeing in various populations and environments. Although there may be differences in the methods used and limitations in the studies, the consistent results across various situations emphasise the ability of these therapies to improve overall wellbeing.

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