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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Role of Islamic Movements in Indonesia and Malaysia in Rejecting the Abraham Accords

Mohamad Ridhuan Mohd Zawawi, Anwar Fakhri Omar, Md Yazid Ahmad

Open access

The collapse of the Ottoman Caliphate left Muslim nations without a guardian to preserve their sovereignty and territorial integrity. This downfall also triggered the rise of various Islamic movements worldwide, including in Indonesia and Malaysia, aiming to restore the glory of Islam. The Abraham Accords, signed by several Arab countries with Israel, had a significant impact on Indonesia and Malaysia, particularly due to speculations that both nations might follow suit. These unfounded reports caused a public outcry, with Islamic movements in Indonesia and Malaysia voicing strong opposition. Therefore, this study aims to examine the role of Islamic movements in these two countries in rejecting the Abraham Accords. This qualitative research utilizes document and content analysis as methods of data collection. The findings reveal several key roles played by these Islamic movements, including urging the governments to reject the accords, condemning those involved, supporting the governments’ firm stance, clarifying the true nature of the Abraham Accords, and deeming the accords as unlawful.

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