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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

TVET Graduates: The Importance of Workplace English Communication Skills for Effective Work Performance

Mohamad Sobri Suhaili, Rachael Razak, Kamaludin Deni

Open access

In both native and non-native English-speaking countries, English is becoming increasingly essential as the international business language. By performing research among employees of several companies in Sarawak, this article tries to determine the value of Workplace English Communication skills to work performance among TVET graduates. Data were triangulated from three different methods namely semi-structured interviews, observation, and reflective notes. Four employers were interviewed, and six employees were observed during the data collection phase. The findings suggest that the importance of workplace English Communication skills in the workplace has not altered, and participants have emphasized the importance of English as an influencing element in portraying a good image for the company. Furthermore, it has been discovered that good command of Workplace English Communication skills might enhance graduates’ employment upon entering the job market and thus drive work excellence in the workplace. Furthermore, participants also stressed the practice of allowing flexibility and agility in the use of the English language depending on the situation and its formality. Most participants rated speaking as the most essential talent in the workplace, and they agreed that TVET graduates need to enhance their speaking abilities before entering the job market.

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