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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of HRM and Strategic Marketing Management on Corporate Financial Performance in Malaysia: Conceptual Paper

Rosnah Hussin, Novia Zahrah, Wan Md Afnan Wan Mahmood

Open access

This conceptual paper examines the relationship between Human Resource Management (HRM), Strategic Marketing Management (SMM), and Corporate Financial Performance (CFP) within the Malaysian banking sector. As the industry faces competition, successfully combining Human Resource Management (HRM) and Social Media Marketing (SMM) becomes important in order to enhance financial results outcomes. This study reviews existing literature, highlighting that strong HRM practices help improve employee engagement and satisfaction, which positively influence organizational performance. Concurrently, strategic marketing initiatives, particularly those leveraging digital platforms, are shown to enhance brand visibility and customer loyalty. By synthesizing insights from empirical studies and qualitative case analyses of Malaysian banks, the research identifies key themes and synergies between these domains. The findings highlight the importance of aligning HRM and SMM strategies to drive sustainable financial growth.

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