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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Understanding Parents' Views on Key Factors and Risks in School Holiday Camp Participation

Fidlizan Muhammad, Salwa Amirah Awang, Mohd Yahya Mohd Hussin, Azila Abdul Razak, Ahmad Zakirullah Mohamed Shaarani, Nurul Fadly Habidin, Nor Azrin Md Latip

Open access

School holiday camps are becoming an increasingly popular choice for parents seeking beneficial activities for their children during the school break season. Participation in these camps not only provides opportunities for learning outside the classroom but also offers various benefits such as social skill development, increased self-confidence, and exposure to new experiences. Through their children's participation in school holiday camps, working parents can achieve a balance between work responsibilities and ensuring their children to be engaged in productive activities. In this regard, this study aims to examine the factors that influence parents' choices regarding their children's participation in school holiday camps, as well as their acceptance of potential risks and safety concerns that may arise from such camps. A questionnaire was used to gather parents' views on 8 factors and 11 types of risks examined. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and mean analysis. The results of the analysis show that activity characteristics, organizers, risks and safety, and activity facilities are four key factors that parents consider when selecting a school holiday camp. Most parents are willing to accept normal potential risks from activities such as mosquito bites, sunburn, fatigue, and minor cuts, but are less accepting of moderate to high potential risks such as swelling, fractures, drowning, and getting lost. The findings of this study are hoped to assist camp organizers in understanding the needs and expectations of parents to ensure school holiday camp programs are more effective and relevant.

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