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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Degree to Which Islamic Education Textbooks for the Basic Stage Include Human Rights Concepts from the Point of View of Islamic Education Teachers

Ahmad Saleh Mahmoud Bani Mari

Open access

The aim of the current study is to identify the degree to which Islamic Education textbooks for the basic stage include human rights concepts from the point of view of Islamic Education teachers. The survey descriptive approach was used. The study population consisted of (150) male and female teachers randomly selected from public schools at Al-Jami’ah Directorate of Education in Amman, Jordan. To achieve the requirements of the study, a questionnaire was constructed that consisted of (27) items divided into five parts. The results revealed that the degree to which Islamic Education textbooks for the basic stage include human rights concepts from the point of view of Islamic Education teachers was high. The results showed that there were no significant differences that can be attributed to the gender variable, while there were significant differences that can be attributed to the academic qualification variable in terms of all the rights and in favor of the post graduate teachers. The study recommended the Islamic Education textbooks to focus more on the gender equality topic.

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