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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

A Review of Intragenerational Social Mobility among Government Female Leaders in Inner Mongolia, China

Ye Linna, Faizah Mohd Fakhruddin

Open access

This literature review investigates the intragenerational social mobility of female leaders in Inner Mongolia, China, focusing on the specific challenges they encounter in career advancement. Despite notable strides toward gender equality, systemic barriers impede women's progress into leadership roles. This review aims to analyse how social norms, institutional structures, and personal networks influence the mobility of these female leaders within the government sector. Key themes such as the role of education, mentoring, and contextual factors are explored by synthesising qualitative and quantitative research, including case studies and empirical data. The methodological approach involves a systematic approach to exploring the phenomenon of social mobility in China. Using thematic analysis, patterns across multiple studies reveal the multifaceted factors shaping social mobility. This review contributes to the broader discourse on gender and leadership in non-Western contexts, offering practical insights for policymakers and practitioners seeking to enhance equitable opportunities for women in government leadership.

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