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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

From Training to Triumph: How on-the-Job Training Transforms “Z” Courier Service, Malaysia

Urmilaah Kaniapan, Faizah Mohd Fakhruddin, Mastura Mahfar, Nor Amira Syairah Zulkarnaini, Fadilah Zaini, Bazlin Darina Ahmad Tajudin

Open access

On-the-job training (OJT) is crucial in professional development, offering a hands-on learning experience that enhances skills and contributes to organizational success. Due to its imperative role, this study aims to analyze the impacts of OJT that takes place at “Z” Courier Service, Malaysia on its employees and the organization. The study employed the qualitative research design using semi-structured and in- depth interviews with six employees, i.e., the manager, administrative staff, dispatchers, and storekeepers. The interviews were guided by an interview protocol devised by the researchers, which aims to answer all the research objectives related to the issue of OJT. All the data were analyzed using thematic analysis with the help of NVivo 12 Plus software. The study’s findings show that OJT positively affects employee performance, i.e., it improves employee skills, increases job performance, and develops teamwork and collaboration. OJT also affects employees’ growth through adaptation to new technology, behavioral changes, career progression, and improvement in employees’ motivation and job satisfaction. OJT positively influences organizational performance by increasing financial gain and improving customer satisfaction. Further, the study’s findings suggest that OJT has little influence on employee retention because it is ultimately up to the individual employees and career growth opportunities. Overall, the findings effectively address all the research objectives, indicating OJT as a helpful strategy that benefits both the employees and the organization.

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Kaniapan, U., Fakhruddin, F. M., Mahfar, M., Zulkarnaini, N. A. S., Zaini, F., & Tajudin, B. D. A. (2024). From Training to Triumph: How on-the-Job Training Transforms “Z” Courier Service, Malaysia. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 14(10), 260–278.