ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
Modern military logistics rely on technology to optimise warehouse operations and sustain operations during both peacetime and wartime. However, the problem with the existing army WMS is that it cannot afford to meet the current operational requirement causing inefficient warehouse operations. While existing research highlights the benefits of RFID technology in supply chain management, its impact on army warehouse operations and supply readiness remains unexplored. This study aims to evaluate the importance of RFID technology in army supply readiness warehouse operations, with the ultimate goal of improving the current WMS-RFID integration. The study utilises basic qualitative research by examining quality journals and articles. This research analyses data from 21 related articles, identifying recurring themes of RFID potential. The analysis revealed that the implementation of RFID technology in warehouse operations has the potential for improvement, with a perceived score: receiving (26%), shipping (21%), picking (20%), put-away (16%), record keeping (12%), and packaging (5%). The result reveals that there are 4 performance metrics for measurement: cycle time reduction, improved process quality, reduced cost, and increased productivity. These metrics translate to enhanced warehouse operations activities to achieve army supply readiness. Notably, quality improvement has the greatest impact, followed by cost reduction, cycle time, and productivity. Ultimately, we anticipate that complete automation of the CODIMS-RFID system in army depots will boost army depot performance by facilitating real-time asset tracking, eradicating errors, and simplifying processes, ultimately boosting army supply readiness.
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