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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Challenges, Perspectives, and Recommendations for Online Instrumental Music Education among College Students in Shanxi, China

Zhao Libo , Ahmad Faudzi Musib

Open access

With the rise of digital technologies, remote instrumental music education has received a great deal of attention. This study addresses key aspects of remote music education and its impact on student learning. By examining teaching methods, technological challenges, and cultural differences, the study highlights the inherent diversity and complexity of online music education. A key finding is that while interactive design and the use of educational resources are essential for effective learning, they also present several challenges. These challenges include technical challenges such as network latency, audio distortion, and the necessity to adapt to a variety of online tools and platforms. In addition, cultural differences play a significant role in how effectively students understand and participate in class, further affecting the overall learning experience. The study highlights that both teachers and students in remote music education face significant challenges, both technological and cultural. However, with the implementation of innovative teaching methods and technological solutions, remote instrumental music education has the potential to provide rich and diverse learning experiences, providing valuable insights for future educational developments.

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