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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Benefits and Challenges of Online Teaching and Learning among Upper Primary ESL Students: The Teachers’ Perspectives

Lee Rou Yan, Keffeny Ann A/P Joseph, Farrah Akmal Hamzah, Hanita Hanim Ismail

Open access

The rapid advancement of technology has revolutionised education, reshaping the way teaching and learning are conducted. Online teaching and learning have become increasingly popular, offering new possibilities in education delivery. This qualitative study identifies the benefits and challenges that ESL English teachers at school face during online teaching and learning process among upper primary students. This study also identifies the interventional strategies that could be applied in order to overcome the obstacles. Interviews were used to collect data from four experienced teachers. The findings show that online teaching provides numerous benefits for students, parents and teachers. It provides better access which is not only more flexible but also more convenient. Moreover, it enhances personalised learning environment where each student takes a different route to achieve their goals. Regarding the challenges, this study identifies technical problems such as internet connection and the access of hardware as major barriers. Additionally, the motivation from students is also an important key. The study identified the intervention strategy to be applied to solve any potential problem such as technical support, troubleshooting and guidelines from parents. Moreover, clear communication, displays of activities and engaging learning materials were discovered to ensure students remain engaged in online education. The findings of the study provide a comprehensive solution by implementing intervention strategies to ensure smooth online teaching and learning among upper primary students in ESL class.

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