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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Factors Affecting Psychological Well-Being of Female Caregivers to Children with Disabilities: A Conceptual Paper

Nurin Hadirah Mohd Sufferi, Wan Arnidawati Wan Abdullah, Asmidawati Ashari

Open access

This article focuses on the psychological well-being of female, particularly mothers, who are responsible for caring children with disabilities. Mothers frequently struggle to provide care for their children with disabilities due to overwhelming demands that exceed their ability. These challenges negatively impact every aspect of life, resulting in significant psychological stress for mothers. Therefore, this article aims to elaborate the concept of psychological well-being of female caregivers who provide care for children with disabilities and factors related to it. This article employed content analysis technique to describe the concepts, ideas, and issues that are relevant to the factors of psychological well-being of these female caregivers. Female caregivers who have strong psychological well-being and have children with disabilities are expected to effectively handle their caregiving tasks and enhance the mental health of their children. On the other hand, female caregivers with low psychological well-being may face difficulties in effectively handling the responsibilities of parenting due to heightened stress levels. The challenges may exacerbate the caregiver's psychological well-being, potentially leading to negative consequences for the child. Aspects associated with their children, caregiver-related characteristics, and their environment significantly influence the well-being of mothers. Consequently, prioritising one's own well-being can lead to improve quality of care, better outcomes for the child facing challenges, and enhanced well-being for the entire family.

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