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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Socialization Spectrum: Malay Students and Interethnic Engagement

Rohaizahtulamni Radzlan, Mohd Ibrani Shahrimin Adam Assim, Mohd Roslan Rosnon, Dayang Shobihah Abang Abai

Open access

Malaysia’s multicultural society offers both challenges and opportunities for fostering interethnic engagement, particularly among students. This study provides an overview of the role of socialization in shaping Malay students' attitudes and behaviors toward ethnic diversity. It focuses on three key socialization agents: family, peers, and media. Within families, cultural incongruence may limit exposure to diverse perspectives, while ethnically homogeneous peer groups often reinforce in-group norms, reducing opportunities for meaningful interethnic interactions. Similarly, biased media portrayals can perpetuate stereotypes and hinder the development of inclusive attitudes. This paper explores the potential influence of these socialization processes, emphasizing the importance of fostering inclusive socialization practices to promote ethnic unity and cohesion. By highlighting the interplay between family, peer groups, and media, it offers a framework for understanding how these agents may shape students' perceptions of ethnic diversity. Although this is an overview, it lays the foundation for further research into the factors influencing interethnic engagement among Malay students and suggests practical directions for promoting a more inclusive and harmonious society in Malaysia.

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