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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Effect of Socialization through the Lens of Malay Students on Ethnic Relations

Sarjit Singh Darshan Singh, Shamsul Azahari Zainal Badari, Yasmin Yaccob, Rohaizahtulamni Radzlan

Open access

This study explores the role of key socialization agents—family, friends, and media—in shaping Malay students' attitudes and behaviors toward interethnic engagement within Malaysia’s multicultural society. By focusing on these critical domains of socialization, the research aims to uncover the extent to which each agent influences ethnic relations, either fostering social cohesion or perpetuating division. Employing a quantitative methodology, data were gathered through an online survey involving Malay students from diverse demographic and educational backgrounds. The results indicate that family serves as a foundational socialization agent, significantly shaping initial attitudes and perceptions of other ethnic groups through parental teachings and cultural values. Peer interactions, on the other hand, emerge as dynamic spaces where existing perceptions may either be reinforced or challenged, depending on the quality of intergroup experiences. Media is identified as the most pervasive influence, functioning as both a bridge and a barrier to interethnic understanding. While positive portrayals in media foster intercultural acceptance and empathy, the perpetuation of negative stereotypes risks entrenching biases and social divisions. This study provides valuable insights into the complex interplay of socialization agents in shaping interethnic dynamics. It highlights the critical need for balanced and inclusive approaches across family, peers, and media domains to nurture harmonious ethnic relations. The findings have practical implications for policymakers, educators, and media practitioners, emphasizing the importance of promoting inclusive educational practices, facilitating positive interethnic interactions, and ensuring balanced media representations of ethnic diversity. By addressing these aspects, this study contributes to advancing Malaysia’s aspirations for a more integrated and cohesive multicultural society.

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