ISSN: 2222-6990
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Zahrah al-Mur?d is an important theological work in the Malay world. It was written by a prominent figure, Syeikh 'Abd al-?amad al-Falimb?n?. The discussion in this work revolves about the Kalimah Tauhid, which is the phrase l? il?ha ill? All?h Mu?ammad Ras?l All?h. Al-San?s?, through his works Umm al-Bar?h?n and Shar? Umm al-Bar?h?n, addressed the discussion of the Kalimat Tauhid earlier than Zahrah al-Mur?d. Therefore, Zahrah al-Mur?d is believed to have been influenced by these two works.. However, this cannot be definitively confirmed because both works employ distinct language and writing methods. This study aims to identify the influence of Umm al-Bar?h?n and its commentary on the writing of Zahrah al-Mur?d. In gathering data, the researcher conducted a textual analysis of these works to identify similarities and differences. Additionally, the references mentioned in Zahrah al-Mur?d also help in identifying such influences. The analysis found elements of influence from Umm al-Bar?h?n and its commentary in the writing of Zahrah al-Mur?d, particularly in terms of its ideas, content, and references. It is hoped that the results of this study will assist the community in better understanding Zahrah al-Mur?d. Furthermore, it will aid researchers in delving deeper into the study of Syeikh 'Abd al-?amad al-Falimb?n? and Zahrah al-Mur?d.
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