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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Students Perspectives on Adopting E-portfolio Among Malaysian Polytechnic Students: Exploratory Factor Analysis

Norleeza Muhammad, Khoo Yin Yin

Open access

This pilot study examines students perspectives about electronic portfolio or e-portfolio and factors strongly associated with the use of e-portfolio by polytechnic students. Referring to the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), five mains variables were involved which are Perceived Ease of Use (PEOU), Perceived Usefulness (PU), Behavioral Intention To Use (BITU), Attitude Towards Use (ATU) and Actual Use (AU). The analysis includes descriptive analysis, internal consistency reliability analyses and the validation of the instruments was done using principal component analysis. The data used have been collected randomly from 100 students. Based on the pilot study, the results showed the reliability coefficient with Cronbach’s Alpha ranges from .792 to .912 which is above minimum requirement of .70 (Hair et al.,2010) and the mean value for each items is above 3.50 i.e for 5 point Likert scale. Meanwhile for instrument validation the result reporting the value of factor loading for each item is >.50, eigenvalue is above 50% of the total variance. This preliminary empirical study shows that e-portfolio can benefit students towards employability.