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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Impact of Social Media Usage, Social Support, Peer Influence, and Social Identity on the Self-Concept of Youths in Enugu East Local Government Council, Nigeria

Omeye Ebube Bibian, Aini Azeqa Ma’rof

Open access

This study examines the influence of social media usage, social support, peer influence, and social identity on self-concept among youths in Enugu East Local Government Council, Nigeria. Using a quantitative approach with 404 participants, Pearson correlation and multiple regression analyses were conducted. Results indicate that social support was the strongest predictor of positive self-concept, followed by social identity, peer influence, and social media usage. These findings highlight the pivotal role of social support in enhancing self-concept, alongside the significant contributions of social identity and peer dynamics in shaping self-perceptions. Notably, social media usage, though a weaker predictor, reflects the influence of global digital engagement trends on youth identity development in a Nigerian context. By integrating these insights, this research contributes to a broader understanding of self-concept formation, offering implications for programs aimed at fostering positive identity development in digitally interconnected, culturally grounded youth communities.

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