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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Work-life Balance: A Concern on Effectiveness of Job Role and Employee's Engagement towards Organizational Goal

Nurliana Mohd Hassan

Open access

This paper discusses work-life balance as the key issue in all types of employment. It reflects an individual's orientation of perception across different life roles within multiple domains of personal time, family care and professional work being maintained and integrated with a minimum of job role conflict. The Self Developed Model initiates the integration between employee's performance, family-work demand, family-work conflict and family-organizational outcomes which explains the cause and effects of implementing flexi-hours. The question is how can fulfillment of personal needs improve the success of organizational goal? How can flexi-hours increase employee's effectiveness and engagement? Through a content analysis research, this study explores the aspects of i) organizational needs, ii) time management, ii) team work, iii) compensation and iv) job scope resulting to i) success and satisfaction, ii) schedule, discipline and health, iii) nucleus versus joint family and iv) justice and freedom in the 9 Facts About American Families and Work. The main concern is majority of women who quit jobs after a marriage or after giving birth then re-enters labor market when their child are grown-ups. This study rely solely on the literature concludes that care giving responsibilities with the support of work-family policies may help families navigate complexities. This research will fill in the gap to the literature by showing the needs for further research in order to recognize the impact of work-life balance amongst the gen-Ys who nowadays are prone of job hopping which reflects their attitudes and behaviors.