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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

From Start-Up to Sustainable Success: The Crucial Role of Compliance in Chinese Entrepreneurial Companies

Shen Xin, Roshazlizawati Mohd Nor, Siti Suraya Abd Razak

Open access

This paper discusses the importance of compliance management for Chinese entrepreneurial firms. In order to achieve this goal, this study used qualitative research, utilizing semi-structured interviews with a number of people related to compliance work in entrepreneurial firms. The results of this study suggest that compliance management can help companies reduce legal risks, avoid penalties, enhance reputation, and attract investment and talent. Respondents emphasized the critical importance of employee buy-in to compliance systems and the need for increased employee engagement. Complemployeesstems should be developed by listening to the real needs and challenges of frontline employees to help solve problems and gain employee buy-in. In addition, companies should focus on operating and competing in a compliant manner to ensure that compliance measures are actually implemented, thus adapting to trends in the rule of law regulatory environment. The ultimate goal is the survival and success of the startup company after its inception.

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