ISSN: 2222-6990
Open access
The current lighting system of the Faculty of Mechanical Technology and Engineering (FTKM) “Green” Building on floors 1 and 2 has remained the same from more than 10 years ago, which overall still uses compact fluorescent lamps (CFL). There are plenty of research that has utilized DIALux Evo 12.0 in retrofitting lighting systems of buildings, and that from this software we are able to simulate the existing conditions, find ways to improve the lighting system for saving energy, comply to national standards, and acquire quantitative results. This investigation aims to retrofit the current lighting system of the FTKM “Green” Building floors 1 and 2 using DIALux Evo 12.0. The existing lighting system is first reconstructed into DIALux Evo, hence quantitative and qualitative data such as compliance to standard status, average lux, lighting power density can be calculated and recorded. This lighting system is then redesigned to minimize power consumption through rearrangement of lamp positions and lamp type replacement. The state of the lighting system before and after is compared. Analysis of the simulation demonstrated that replacing CFLs with LED lamps has significantly reduced the energy consumption for the lighting system. Therefore, the results have indicated that the application of DIALux Evo 12.0 in the effort of minimizing energy consumption of an existing lighting system is applicable. This investigation however did run into some limitations such as the existing blinders’ dimensions was unable to be recreated due to the software’s construction tools shortcomings. Further research is required to overcome this limitation using other methods to achieve more accurate analysis.
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