Flexible working hours have emerged as a transformative force in the modern workplace, challenging traditional employment norms and fostering innovation, adaptability, and inclusivity. These arrangements provide employees with autonomy over their schedules while enabling organisations to enhance productivity, attract talent, and improve operational efficiency. However, flexible work schedules are not without challenges, including blurred work-life boundaries, inequities in access, bad impact on organisational culture, monitoring & productivity issues, team collaboration and communication and impact on organisational culture. Drawing on recent studies within 2020 until 2024, this article critically examines the multifaceted benefits and challenges of flexible working hours, supported by evidence from diverse industries and practical case studies. The findings emphasise the need for inclusive policies, technological investment, and results-driven management practices to fully realise the potential of flexibility while addressing its inherent complexities. This study contributes to the evolving discourse on flexible work as a strategic imperative for shaping the future of work.
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