ISSN: 2222-6990
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This study aims to develop and measure the content validity, and reliability of the ‘Instrumen Kecelaruan Insomnia (IKI)’ or Insomnia Disorder Instrument (IDI). This instrument is designed to measure the level of insomnia disorder among individuals. The basic principle construction IDI is based on the American Psychiatric Association (APA) in Diagnostic Statistical Manual (DSM) of Mental Disorders, V Edition. This instrument contains 16 negative items divided into 8 subscales which contain 2 items in each subscales. Subscale 1: Main Symptoms, Subscale 2: Significant Clinical Impact, Subscale 3: One-Week Duration, Subscale 4: Three-Month Duration, Subscale 5: Persistent Sleep Difficulty, Subscale 6: Other Sleep Disorders, Subscale 7: Substance or Medication; and Subscale 8: Other Mental Disorders. The content validity of IDI was evaluated by 7 experts, consisting of 3 education lecturers and 4 registered counsellors. A total of 40 respondents aged 15 to 40 years were selected to obtain the reliability value. The quantitative findings of the study using Content Validity Ratio (CVR) indicated that the instrument has good content validity, with all 16 items meeting the minimum CVR value (N=7, CVRcritical = 0.622). The reliability of the instrument showed a high value of .847. Therefore, this study has successfully produced the IDI questionnaire which has good validity and reliability values for use in the field of psychology and counselling in Malaysia.
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