This study explores coaching competencies in farm mechanization operations training programs in Malaysia, where mechanization plays a pivotal role in enhancing agricultural productivity and efficiency. The proficiency of trainers in technical, pedagogical, and interpersonal skills is crucial for equipping farm workers with the necessary knowledge to operate machinery safely and effectively. Using a qualitative case study design, this research gathers data through semi-structured interviews and field observations of trainers at a specialized training centre dedicated to farm mechanization in Malaysia's agricultural sector. The findings highlight that effective coaching competencies encompass advanced technical knowledge, adaptability in teaching methods, and strong interpersonal skills that facilitate positive interactions with trainees. Trainers face challenges such as limited training resources and diverse skill levels among participants, underscoring the need for enhanced training equipment and continuous professional development for coaches. This study emphasizes the importance of improving coaching competencies to increase the effectiveness of farm mechanization training programs, with the potential to boost agricultural output in Malaysia. The proposed follow-up study will assess the long-term impact of these courses on practical farming practices.
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