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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

Green Supplier Selection Criteria Using Integrated Delphi-Analytic Network Process in Malaysia Public Procurement

Ahmad Zaini Nor Azlina, Jamaludin Khairur Rijal

Open access

This study explores green supplier selection criteria and sub-criteria using an integrated Delphi–Analytic Network Process methodology. Criteria and sub-criteria were identified from the literature and evaluated through pairwise comparisons. Preliminary findings resulted from the study showed consensus achieved for eight (8) criteria comparisons and 114 sub-criteria comparisons but reveal lack of consensus for two (2) criteria pairwise comparisons and 57 sub-criteria comparisons, warranting further discussion. Initial limitations underlying the non-consensus results were identified, providing insights to the model and method employed. The result of this study could provide insights into the green procurement subject, while shedding clarity to the criteria and sub-criteria relevant to supplier selection in green supplier selection. This study could be beneficial and may contribute to the development of a robust and comprehensive green supplier selection model or any similar studies in the future.

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Ahmad Zaini, N. A., & Jamaludin, K. R. (2025). Green Supplier Selection Criteria Using Integrated Delphi-Analytic Network Process in Malaysia Public Procurement. International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 15(3), 547–556.