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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

CEFR-Aligned Formative Assessment: Teachers’ Perception, Attitudes and Practices

Jasmine Jain, Ramesh Nair, Sumati Muniandy

Open access

The objective of this research is to explore the perceptions, attitudes and frequency of use of The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR)-aligned formative assessment strategies among the teachers in the primary English language classroom. The study used quantitative design which involved 56 respondents in the Johore Bahru district using convenience sampling. The survey was validated by two experts in the same field in terms of face validity and content validity. Then it was piloted before conducting the main study. Descriptive analysis was used to analyse the data. Overall, the respondents have the positive attitude and perception towards the formative assessment. Nevertheless, they hardly use the formative assessment strategies in the classroom. The study raises the concerns the reasons why these teachers failed to use formative assessment daily in the teaching and learning. The paper ended with some suggestions for a better use of formative assessment in the future.

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