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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Effectiveness of a Career Development Program on Career Self-Efficacy among Orang Asli Students in Sungai Siput, Perak

Nor Farhanah Abd Raub, Mohd Izwan Mahmud, Abu Yazid Abu Bakar

Open access

Education and career planning are vital to improving the quality of life for Malaysia's Orang Asli community, who face challenges rooted in socioeconomic disparities. Despite their resilience, Orang Asli students often lack motivation and guidance for planning their future, underscoring the need to address career self-efficacy. This study evaluated a career development program's impact on career self-efficacy among 48 upper secondary students from the Temiar and Semai subgroups. A quasi-experimental single-group design was used, employing the Career Self-Efficacy Test (UEKK) to measure self-awareness, job information, goal-setting, planning, and problem-solving. The intervention included sessions on self-awareness, career interest exploration using Holland’s Self-Directed Search (SDS), and a SWOT-based self-potential analysis, supplemented with career-related games and simulations. Findings revealed significant improvement in career self-efficacy, with the mean score rising from 3.31 to 3.50, t(47) = 2.83, p < .05. The results suggest that structured, culturally sensitive programs can enhance Orang Asli students’ confidence, goal-setting abilities, and decision-making skills. Regular initiatives tailored to their unique needs are crucial for fostering long-term benefits. Future research should adopt experimental designs comparing intervention and control groups to strengthen evidence and support broader implementation of such programs.