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International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences

Open Access Journal

ISSN: 2222-6990

The Needs of Curriculum Evaluation of Appreciation of Ethics and Civilization Course: From an Engineering-Based Perspective

Hon Shu Yee, Ahmad Johari Sihes

Open access

The Appreciation of Ethics and Civilization course was introduced as a compulsory subject for all public and private universities in the 2019/2020 intake. This course is highly relevant for universities in Malaysia, with its sub-topics organized around themes that address global issues such as patriotism, ethics, and civilization. Additionally, it highlights the importance of tolerance in promoting harmonious relationships among Malaysia's diverse ethnic groups. The course is recognized for cultivating patriotism and encouraging ethical behaviour in daily life, specifically targeting university students in Malaysia. This course is particularly suitable for engineering students, as the field is often associated with lower ethical awareness compared to other disciplines. The paper will discuss several aspects and relationships that highlight the need for curriculum evaluation of Appreciation of Ethics and Civilization Course in Engineering field.

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